Over the Mountain - Manchuila Report

“I know the greatness of the Lord, that our Lord is greater than any other god.

The Lord does whatever pleases him throughout all heaven and earth,

and on the seas and in the depths.” Psalm 135:5-6

Hello our brothers.

We made a trip to a new area call Manchuila, this village has a population of 150 people, is a big village, and only 2 families are Christians (4 adults and 2 kids).

Manchuila is one of the main Mama-Tata centres and has a big meeting there.

The hike was intense, around 7 hours hiking and the trail is aggressive, I made the trip with my disciple Bernabe, the trip was more to explore this place and see how we can start a church in this area.

We got there and our family of contact was Roberto’s family, Roberto is from another village that has a church and everything. He married one girl from Manchuila so he moved to Manchuila to be with his family.

On the same day that we arrived, the mama-tata people held a big meeting o party where around 400 people came to be for those days in the village. And in the services that we had around 5 people came in addition to Roberto’s family.  From the first moment that we were there, I see that it is a very hard place, with hard hearts to hear the gospel.

At our return, Bernabe received a call asking him that with what permission we went there, because they have an agreement with the government representative that only the mama-tata believers can go to that area.  Bernabe knows the government representative so he talked with him and he confirmed this but said that there should not be a  problem for us to go.  With this, we already know that it will even harder to start something there.

We are praying for this year, for a team is ready to go to this place, but before they do we need to make many trips to try to find a way to break the ice and earn their trust and let them know that we are no enemies.

For me, this trip was hard going in, but coming out was even harder.   Going in, my body got tired of the hike, and my body is not the same after many years doing this kind of trip, so the hike out came got tough in the first 2 hours, for I realize that there was a great possibility I was not going to make.   This trip broke part of my character for I ended up crying a few times feeling impotent, incompetent and unable realizing I was not the same as 5 years ago, hahahaha.  

Pray for this village, that God prepares hearts for the next time that we going that will be May 7, pray for strength and wisdom of how to move and what to say.

This trip made me remember one more time that to follow Jesus you must die, die to your pride, your strength, your body, your mind, so Jesus can live in us and move through us.

My phone was stolen so I lost some pictures from the trip I was able to rescue some, which I am sharing with you.  

Click here

As always, our thanks for praying, going and supporting the work in Panama.