Closing 2022 - Annual Report


I will bless you, and you will be a blessing to others" that is what ABBA said to Abraham as he was called to go out of his land to where God was leading him, and that is precisely what Abraham was, a blessing. Through him, we have been blessed beyond measure.

This past December 25th, we joined Moises in an area where families from the mountains are settled to work in the vegetable fields in the highlands of our province.

Around 190 gifts were given, but this boy returned and shared with one of the team members that "it is my birthday, and thank you so much for the gift" He was grateful and appreciative of the gift received.

God has been dealing with me about developing a grateful heart. It goes beyond just saying "Thank you" This boy was not expecting a gift for that day, but God thought of him and sent people to hand deliver a gift for him; Abba knew him and what he needed for that day. He was at home at that moment, even though there was a Christmas parade downtown for everyone.

Amazing grace that God the Father thought of you and me to send us the most precious gift out of love, whether we deserve it or not.

A grateful heart shares the blessings received, whether others deserve them or not. Thank you for sharing your words of encouragement, love, and support.


Ministry: A short extract of what each associated missionary is reporting from the field.

Mateo and Team: They report reaching out to two new communities, increasing the demand for new workers in the field. In one of those visitations, they witnessed a MamaTata preacher give his life to Christ. The Bible says that signs and wonders will follow us, those who believe and preach the Word of life, which is happening in the Guabal area. Besides that, the new leadership at the Guabal Church (the mother of all the work being done) is strengthening the congregation. Twelve are being discipled using the NLC material.

They report 160 Gospel presentations, of which 38 received the Lord and 18 were baptized. !Praise the Lord!

Simon: the equipping of workers continues through the work that Simon is doing on witnessing to the kids in different areas. He reports 46 newly trained leaders reaching out to 959 kids with the Gospel and 104 professions of faith through them. These kids receive follow-up through these new leaders and are incorporated into a local church.

Enrique: this past year, 2022, Enrique has seen an increase in the number of leaders willing to be equipped to be part of the Church Planting that is going on under his leadership. Using the 411 and the 3 circles, 400 heard the Gospel, 150 said yes to the Lord, and through discipleship, 95 were baptized. The new believers are so willing to serve the Lord. Therefore, Enrique is assigning them cores in the service to the Lord, enabling Pastor Enrique to visit the different new areas.

Heitor & Talsy: It was a fruitful year with 11 church training from which six groups were born. In this process of equipping, 154 leaders and through these leaders, 70 people heard the Good News from this, 44 opened their hearts to the Lord. Homes and hearts are open to the Gospel; they ask for prayers.

Bernabe continues to work in Manchuila, Tolote, Hacha, and Bongo. Filters were installed in Manchuila, an area that is MamaTata territory, so if one soul comes to Christ is a win-win situation, and that is what Bernabe sees in the area.

David continues to visit each of the workers mentioned above to support them with materials, advice, guidance, and prayer. We also had the visit of two teams that impacted new areas in which Simon and Mateo are serving. Also, the blessing of having a new ministry visit each working site and see what God has the team working in.

The Bible Institute continues and enters this year 2023 its last sessions before finalizing its time in Cerro Miel and projecting to other areas in need for the Bible Institute to start. Visits were made to two different possible places to start it. We must pray and trust the Lord for churches to sponsor this project.

Praises Items:

  • God's provision to start changing the roof at Guabal Church.

  • The ten filters are already installed in Manchuila.

  • As a team, God allowed us to see the 2089 Gospel Presentation was given with a result of 363 Profession of faith, trusting Jesus for eternity.

  • To make disciples is what Jesus asked us to do, so we can see 80 followers receiving discipleship.

  • Thank you, Lord, for the 37 new small groups that started due to the different trainings done.

  • Also, the two new areas were reached with the Gospel in Guabal.

  • 113 were baptized as a result of the work done.

  • For health, physical and spiritual strength.

  • For how His mercies have protected the team's families.

  • David requested support for his year's financial needs in Dec '22; God supplied that need. Praise the Lord.

  • The Bible Institute has had 25 students that have remained faithful; God willing, they will finish in Oct '23.

Prayer Items:

  • In the family's needs, we request prayers for Delia. She will go into surgery this coming week; this surgery is to correct disks in her spine (neck) that are having her in pain and partial arm mobility if it was not for the medications the doctor gave her until surgery was confirmed.

  • Please pray for God's mercy, grace, and peace to be in our family and the team's families, as this year is expected to be different from last year.

  • Wisdom in decision-making and grace to walk under His guidance. For God to develop in us a humble heart, hunger for His Word, and the determination to obey it.

  • At the moment, there are three teams programmed for this year. Interpreters are needed. Two of the teams are extreme, and one is in rural areas.

We come to a close with the words expressed by Paul in the letter to Titus, saying, "Everybody here sends greetings. Please give our greetings to the believers—all who love us.

May God’s grace be with you all." Titus 3:15

God bless, and have a blessed 2023. Keep strong, keep safe.

Talsy, David, Family and MGPanama team