Praise the Lord, we arrived home on Sunday late afternoon, and we must say that the trip was fantastic.
Paul says in Acts the following 36. After some time, Paul said to Barnabas, “Let’s go back and visit each city where we previously preached the word of the Lord to see how the new believers are doing.” Acts 15:36.
After almost 15 years out of the Teribe area, it was joyful to see our brothers and sisters again.
We got to see Maximo and his wife, Ilvia, who started a church at the king's site. By the way, the Nasso people group is the only group in Panama that has a king, and he has a place called the palace. Their son Polo who at that time was around 16 yrs old, started a new church at a place called Bajo Sodi. Their daughter and her husband started another church in another area close to the king's compound.
Gilberto Abrego, who welcomed us and was our guide, planted a church in Solon and is part of the king's advisory group. He is also part of the king's team supervising many issues related to the newly recognized and approved Nasso Reservation. Gilberto also shared the work to keep unity in the Body of our Lord.
On this visit, we got to sit down with Gilberto's Father. He is 91 yrs old, and his mind is as sharp as it was back then. He shared that he stopped using the machete six months ago because his kids asked him to stop working. !My word! Sometimes my body hurts, and I do not feel like doing anything, and here is this brother who still has the strength to keep dealing with a machete.
Most of the young kids we met back then have grown and are active in different church areas (music, preaching, and others).
God willing, the team arriving on the 29th will serve with the kids and evangelize in four areas. One area per day. Yes, it is demanding, but the soil is ready for more good seeds to be planted.
We are sharing a few pictures of our visit, which we hope you enjoy. Thank you for praying for the work, for us, and for God’s will to be done.
In Him and until He comes back again.
Gilberto's Father and Son with Gilberto’s Father’s wife.