Pastor Simon’s Report - April 24-May 5, 2019
Pastor Simon right front row.
I am an associate Pastor with MGPanama and also part of a project with a ministry called APEN (for the evangelization of children) which main objectives are to:
Reach more children for God’s Kingdom as possible.
Awake and train local church leaders for the Children Ministry
Be part of the fulfillment of the “Go” of Jesus and bring glory to His name, by raising workers for this ministry of reaching Ngobe children for Jesus.
This training or equipping took place in Chichica were we spend 4 days receiving teachings and workshop (1st stage) and the second stage we had to travel to different schools in the Ngobe Reservation and work with the kids and train local church teachers in the different areas. Those days were of hard work for we were able to reach 6049 kids and the team were able to see 2906 that said “yes” to our Lord. The 8 teams formed, visited 18 schools trained 167 Sunday school teachers in their visits to the different areas.
This report is given just for the records and by no means the intend is to duplicate numbers. All the glory is to my dear Jesus and thank you, to those that invested for me to attend.
Pastor Simon
16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Luke 18:16